This is a great looking game and it runs well even on my MacBook Pro with Intel HD Graphics. That is why it is so disappointing that the game has some major AI shortcomings and a fairly small number of scenarios.
If youve played any of the Railroad Tycoon games you are in for a rude awakening when you play Sid Meiers Railroads. The poor train AI means that it isnt practical to create continuous rail lines that span multiple cities. Instead, you have to segregate your trains so that each one has its own track and separate station slots. If you try to build out your train lines the way the game shows you in the tutorial youll end up with confused trains that get stuck at track interchanges and cause you to lose money as they sit there trying to decide what to do.
There is also only a few traditional scenarios for you to play and you will quickly go through those and then wonder where the rest of the content went to. The game does provide several multiplayer focused maps which you can play in single player mode too but I dont find those nearly as interesting as the historically based traditional scenario maps.
I bought this game because I really enjoy train tycoon games and Sid Meier is practically the founder of this genre but it ended up leaving me wishing there was a version of Railroad Tycoon 2 or 3 that was available for mac.
Netcraazzy about Sid Meier's Railroads!