Fun for a while
Ive been playing it 4 or 5 hours a day for the last 5 days, and it hasnt crashed yet.
This is interesting, tho I keep wanting more control over the smaller details. The AI that routes trains is really dumb. It doesnt look ahead at the whole track to check for oncoming trains. It only routes trains around each other if they actually meet at a switch. If you have switches with a long track length between them, you can count on trains ending up head-to-head quite often even if there is a parallel track one of them could have taken instead. After a minute or two, the AI will just let them pass thru each other, but it is still quite a bit of lost time and thus money. For a while I thought it was even more broken than it is, until I noticed that depots LOOK like they can handle 4 parallel tracks at once but can only handle 2 at a time. Stations can handle 3, and terminals 4 tracks at once.
Other Sid Meier games give you so much more control over smaller details, Civ being the classic example. I was looking forward to designing routing/switching patterns to keep things flowing, for example. I also wanted to be able to load up a full train with cargo and drop one car at each stop, but it doesnt work like that. Everything is unloaded and completely reloaded at each stop. Your only tool in making trains/cargo/passengers go where they want is to put them on separate tracks. And industries that feed each other do not do so if they are in the same city.
Wookman about
Sid Meier's Railroads!